Use "heterosexual|heterosexuals" in a sentence

1. And 362 Admonishments to heterosexuals

2. “The Bible contains 6 Admonishments to homosexuals, and 362 to heterosexuals

3. The Bible contains six Admonishments to homosexuals and 362 Admonishments to heterosexuals

4. A Bromance is a very close friendship between two heterosexual men, classically two single heterosexual men

5. Run for your heterosexual lives, people.

6. Actually, Most cross-dressers Are heterosexual.

7. Transmission is mainly through heterosexual contact.

8. I am a submissive, heterosexual woman.

9. Slut-shaming rarely happens to heterosexual men.

10. Normative sexual behaviour in our society remains heterosexual.

11. Lippa examined sexual orientation and handedness in a sample of 812 men (351 heterosexual; 461 homosexual) and 1189 women (707 heterosexual; 472 homosexual).

12. The age of consent in Austria is now 14 for homosexuals and heterosexuals alike.

13. The Society maintains that the majority of cross-dressers are heterosexual.

14. that I exist for heterosexual marriage and child-bearing.

15. The law applies to both heterosexual and homosexual employees.

16. In the same period, there were 761,010 heterosexual marriages.

17. This is true for both heterosexual and homosexual couples.

18. It all souns a bit too aggressively heterosexual for me.

19. Why heterosexual men go cottaging or cruising baffles most people.

20. The fact that I am a heterosexual woman never mattered.

21. Mustanski et al. examined sexual orientation and hand preference in a sample of 382 men (205 heterosexual; 177 homosexual) and 354 women (149 heterosexual; 205 homosexual).

22. 16 Heterosexual contact is responsible for the bulk of HIV transmission.

23. Furthermore, the predicted heterosexual epidemic in Britain has not yet happened.

24. Nor does he inflate the importance of a Platonic heterosexual dalliance.

25. Her first heterosexual scene was in Up and Cummers 11 (1994).

26. You're a heterosexual or a homosexual, or you never have sex.

27. Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a heterosexual person.

28. Perhaps in your church it is the heterosexual Abominations which get the most talk

29. Women, even heterosexual women in his family, are given no real voice at all.

30. Biphobia Most bi people I have met come laden with painful stories of rejection by both heterosexuals and lesbians and gay men

31. Granted, gay couples are denied the basic rights that heterosexual married couples enjoy.

32. And it appears that the aggregate number of partners in heterosexual adultery is quite low.

33. The fact is, millions of heterosexuals who wish to conform to the Bible’s standards employ self-control despite any temptations they might face.

34. Evidence suggested that the AIDS virus was spreading very quickly among the heterosexual community.

35. Sweden allows gay partners to receive many of the benefits awarded to heterosexual married couples.

36. How could the human race survive if everyone were heterosexual, considering the menace of overpopulation?

37. Many gay men are understandably loath to take a lesson in prevention from heterosexuals, but that lesson stands none the less.

38. In his eyes, a monogamous homosexual relationship was as moral as a monogamous heterosexual relationship.

39. They coped by forming close relationships with a heterosexual partner or a group of women.

40. In the beginning, a Bromance was defined as a healthy, secure friendship between two heterosexual guys

41. In response, the Prime Minister announced in October 2018 that civil partnerships would be opened to heterosexual couples.

42. An age of consent equal with that of heterosexual activity was put in place in 1971.

43. Until 19 most cases where white gay men, but the majority are now black heterosexual men.

44. The age of consent has been equal at 16 for heterosexual and homosexual sex since 1992.

45. Perhaps there was still a chance; perhaps Ronnie would find she wasn't meant for heterosexual love.

46. We have refused to repress our desires, in spite of enormous pressure to conform to heterosexual norms.

47. The homoplastic-homonome-heterosexual combination yields mosaics only in the anal plates and in the region of peripheral bristles.

48. Averagely attractive, generally assumed to be gay, though he isn't, he seems unhappily doomed to heterosexual singlehood

49. In fact, even today, most of the worlds HIV/Aids cases are spread by heterosexual contact, not

50. Name one heterosexual male theorist who could display such interest in wrestling, washing powders and Greta Garbo.

51. Cambodia’s HIV/AIDS epidemic is spread primarily through heterosexual transmission and revolves largely around the sex trade.

52. Yet lesbian subjects may be more different from each other than they are from many heterosexual women.

53. In a disturbing dumb show of sorry heterosexual seduction, she lured him inside and up the stairs.

54. I am referring to a level of promiscuity which even the most liberal heterosexual would regard as immoral.

55. Their children are as happy, healthy and well-adjusted as their peers raised by heterosexual parents, it said.

56. 23 Name one heterosexual male theorist who could display such interest in wrestling, washing powders and Greta Garbo.

57. 21 Yet lesbian subjects may be more different from each other than they are from many heterosexual women.

58. Bilk definition: cheat somebody out of what is due, especially money synonyms: rip off, chisel, cheat antonyms: raise, familiar, bisexual, heterosexual

59. Of all unmarried partner households, 89.8% were heterosexual, 1.9% were same-sex male, and 8.3% were same-sex female.

60. Robyn had two casual heterosexual encounters at this time, both one-night stands after rather drunken parties, both unsatisfactory.

61. John Gottman’s research shows that Contempt is the single biggest predictor of divorce in both heterosexual and gay couples

62. In heterosexual carriers both adenine arabinoside monophosphate and lymphoblastoid interferons are effective in approximately 50% to 60% of cases.

63. In Western countries the virus is mainly spread by passive anal intercourse among homosexuals and seldom by heterosexual intercourse.

64. What indeed are the repercussions of establishing the two-parent, heterosexual couple as the only legitimate model of parenthood?

65. “Health experts are becoming increasingly concerned that crack use in poor neighborhoods may be accelerating the spread of AIDS among heterosexuals,” reports The New York Times.

66. Steinem became the poster girl for feminism in the 1970s because she was good-looking, smart, articulate and blatantly heterosexual.

67. In one study, researchers at the University of California at Berkeley looked at the behavior of 60 heterosexual male and 60 heterosexual female users on an online dating site.While the majority of users were inclined to reach out to highly Attractive people, they were most likely

68. Cohabitation, sometimes called consensual union or de facto marriage, refers to unmarried heterosexual couples living together in an intimate relationship

69. Cohabitation, sometimes called consensual union or de facto marriage, refers to unmarried heterosexual couples living together in an intimate relationship

70. In other words, someone does not have to be exclusively homosexual or heterosexual, but can feel varying degrees of both.

71. As in egalitarian feminist psychology, white, middle-class, middle-aged, heterosexual women are the main subjects of woman-centred psychology.

72. I personally know of not a single heterosexual person who has used condoms every time they have had penetrative sex.

73. Adult members of the Acanthocephala are highly specialized heterosexual, intestinal parasites that take up nutrition parenterally since they have no intestine

74. As a result of these reforms same-sex couples were treated equally with heterosexual couples under most areas of federal law.

75. In India there are temples where you can see figures having homosexual intercourse, and of course those also having heterosexual intercourse.

76. So what I'd like to do is have you raise your hand if you've ever heard a heterosexual couple having sex.

77. Although the highest absolute number of new HIV cases in the EU occur through heterosexual transmission, most at risk groups are over proportionally affected.

78. 28 In my opinion, homosexual and heterosexual should be treated and beheld equally, and nondiscrimination of minority is a symbol of civilization of society.

79. Biphobia is different from homophobia.Members of the LGBTQIA+ community can be Biphobic as well as cisgender heterosexual people can be Biphobic.

80. Politicians have perceived little gain in granting petitions for something that offends the sensibilities of a significant number of the heterosexual majority.